About Us

My name is Mareli Visser and I live in Douglas, a small town in the middle of South Africa.  A few of you might remember me from the Baking show on KykNet called Koekedoor, but during Covid I had a lot of time to think and I decided to change my life and my career.  So I closed my wedding venue and traded my apron for a pair of gumboots, and started a small flower farm on an empty plot in town. 

I did not really know anything about flower farming so I took to the internet, especially YouTube and started following girls in America who also farm flowers in their back yard. People like Serana from You Can't Eat the Grass and Nicole from Flower Hill Farm.  These inspirational women gave me all the information that I needed to get going.  So I took that leap of faith and started planting all the seeds I could lay my hands on.

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